Untitled — A Poem by Dustin Pickering

December 20, 2021
Dustin Pickering presents a short poem whose "general spirit"—as the poet suggests—"can resonate across different subjects." One of these, in the least, is the irremediable misery of those who do wrong to others.

the empty laughter,
cold and fallen,
of a psychopath
whose room is brimmed
with hell

a flame stands tall
to encapsulate the misery

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About the Contributor

<a href="https://www.inversejournal.com/author/dustin-pickering/" target="_self">Dustin Pickering</a>

Dustin Pickering

Dustin Pickering is a poet and freelancer residing in Houston, Texas, USA. He is founder of Transcendent Zero Press and founding editor at Harbinger Asylum. He is published in Huffington Post, Cafe Dissensus Everyday, The Punch magazine, and Journal of Liberty and International Affairs. His reviews can be found in Colorado Review and World Literature Today, among other online spaces. He has several poetry collections, a novella, and short story collection, and one fairy tale available on Amazon.