ENGLISH MEDIUM — A Poem by Rumuz E Bekhudi

October 23, 2022
Rumuz E Bekhudi presents a poem that speaks to a worldwide audience of English learners or non-native speakers of English who carry with them a desire, a need and a compulsion. Rumuz’s poem betrays the brevity of its verses by thematically expanding on the significance of “English Medium” education throughout the world, inviting critique and reflection on questions of class mobility, rank, status, inclusion, exclusion, colonialism, imperial history, globalization—all tucked under the exhausted white collar of middle-class aspirations.


Rumuz E Bekhudi


The vowels of the English language
conceal the fatigue of the struggles faced
while making it to the end of every month,
rationing survival until another paycheck.

The consonants of this language
beautify the scars of shame
bestowed by rabid, howling necessities.

The idiom and the accent
sweetens the bitter taste of hogging
at used clothes, books and
love sometimes.

How poverty draped in English
cradles middle class pride.

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About the Contributor

<a href="https://www.inversejournal.com/author/rumuz-e-bekhudi/" target="_self">Rumuz E Bekhudi</a>

Rumuz E Bekhudi

Rumuz is a poet, translator and short story writer based in Kashmir. Her work appears in many online and offline publications which has been translated in Punjabi, Telegu, Bengali and other languages. The major themes of her work are identity, loss, agency and belongingness. She can be reached at rumuz.e.bekhudi|@|gmail.com